My overall expenditure was just over a tenner (there's an extra two pounds that aren't listed).
This shop should last me a good way into next term (start of term is in two weeks' time).
Lidl was an experiment in finding a better bargain, and so far I'd say if pasta's what you want then that's what you'll find. However, Tesco's value bread was under 50p, the cheapest Lidl alternative, whilst being far better quality and available in wholemeal which is far healthier, weighed in at 65p.

Lots of reduced stuff was bought, I think it is definitely a good idea to pick a time to shop that will take advatage of them, just after the main commuter rush for supplies. Or even later for a local garage.
One of my best finds, however, was a small shop near tesco that was akin to a market stall selling bowls of fruit or vegetables at a pound each. I don't know the exact weight of each bowl, but one of them had four courgettes in (which is over a pound for two at tesco). I was also thrown in a bumch of parsley and a rather ripe pear for my £2. Absolute frickin' bargain!
My biggest tip is make sure you take good advantage of your local markets!
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